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Found 1657 results for any of the keywords report misconduct. Time 0.029 seconds.
MisconductFlorida Statutes s. 1006.061 states all employees and agents of the district school board, charter schools, and private schools that accept scholarship students have an obligation to report misconduct by an instructional
Finances and Accountability Oxfam CanadaWe use every donation effectively and responsibly. We re committed to the highest standards of reporting and accountability.
How Oxfam Canada Keeps People Safe - Oxfam CanadaLearn more about the policies and practices that Oxfam has in place to protect the people we work with from abuse, exploitation or harm.
Trusted Global Ethics Hotline for Employees | WhistleBlower SecurityOur fully anonymous employee feedback tool offers a 24/7/365 ethics reporting hotline service. The most human whistleblower experience on the market!
Preventing and responding to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassmThere is no excuse for sexual misconduct. Through our work, we strive to create a safe, inclusive, and empowering environment for all.
Hotlines | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and ExplosivesReport Illegal Firearms Activity 1-800-ATF-GUNS (1-800-283-4867) Bomb Hotline 1-888-ATF-BOMB (1-888-283-2662) Arson Hotline 1-888-ATF-FIRE (1-888-283-3473) Other Criminal Activity 1-888-ATF-TIPS (1-888-283-8477) Email: A
On the Road to Emmaus with Bishop Boyea | Diocese of LansingNot only does God know you, He loves you! He loves you so much that He sent his Son into the world to suffer, and to sacrifice himself, for us. For you! For me! This, my friends, is the greatest love story in history.
Support Seminarian Education | Diocese of LansingOur prayers, your prayers, for new priestly vocations seem to be bearing fruit. Thanks be to God!
Catholic Social Teaching | Diocese of LansingThe Diocesan Commission on Catholic Social Teaching was established by Bishop Boyea to assist the bishop in his ministry to catechize all the baptized in the Diocese of Lansing on the principles of Catholic social teachi
Diocesan Services Appeal | Diocese of LansingYour generous DSA contribution will support dozens of ministries that help people both spiritually and physically – bringing hope, comfort, and salvation to so many in our diocese.
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